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  1. I do not draw without previous reference. 

  2.  Try to avoid overly detailed characters, to a degree you can already see in my gallery is ideal! 

  3. I am easily affected by moods, so my work depends on that speedwise sadly. I might take a good while! I apologise OTL I am generally rather fast though! Sometimes I finish works within two days. 

  4. Max 3 major edits, some smaller edits allowed extra like changing color or such. 

  5. I don't do invoices, send as friend on PayPal and do not leave a comment in any way please. Paypal hates NSFW artists. 

  6. No refunds unless its before I start working. You’ve paid for a job and using time doing it, hours likely have gone into this before you ask, and I believe that's worth the money you paid. I apologise. I only take paid once I start, so its very unlikely I haven't already worked on it. Not being pleased with the work (which I have yet to experience) is not a reason for a refund as I still did the work requested. Not being clear with what you liked or disliked is not my fault. I can refund if I've not started work yet, but as said, that is unlikely.

  7.  I don’t do a lot of kink, no extremes, no hyper, ask to be certain.

  8. No underage(should be obvious). 

  9. If I act very friendly its to be polite to customers, please do not assume we're friends without me saying so first as it can leave me in a very awkward situation. I do very much appreciate continued patronage, but it does not come with friendship in the price. 

  10. Feel free to remind me if I'm slow, but please no more than once a week at max. 

  11. To prevent bids and wins that never follow up, respond or pay:
    Your account must be active and / or made before 2018

  12. 11. I retain the right to refuse. 

Please feel free to ask any questions you have.

  • If your character does not have humanoid bits, please ask me if I'm comfortable with drawing them first, there is a chance I will be willing for an extra fee. 

  • I consider hyper to be for example a "dongle"  past the length of the knee. 

People often ask what I prefer to draw, so I have added a section about that in the About page.


This is all open to be changed if it is needed. 

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